Check out these great wellness discounts with Groupon

Check out these great wellness discounts with Groupon

Certain things in the US, such as gasoline or groceries, are extremely cheap when compared to other countries. But that's not true for a wide range of services where the high cost More »


Top 5 Tourist Attractions In Central African Republic

Careful thought and planning is needed if you want to travel to Central African Republic. The U.S. Department has several advisories warning against its safety. Newbie travelers should get their feet wet in safer yet exotic nations located elsewhere. If you are determined to push through with a trip to the Central African Republic though, you should go see its best attractions. These popular tourist spots showcase the country’s eccentric beauty

Picture of the Week: Palacio Barolo in Buenos Aires!

Started in 1919 and finished in 1923, Palacio Barolo is an amazing art neauveau building in Buenos Aires. It is located at 1370 Avenida de Mayo in the center of the city. When I lived in Buenos Aires for a summer, it was actually where the office of my language school was located. It was truly an amazing building!

5 Backpacker Meccas Around The World!

Every year, people young and old delay going to school, starting careers, or they abandon bad ones in order to take the plunge towards seeing the world. While it takes much courage to diverge from the path that society has laid out before them by default, another problem crops up once this individual makes the fateful decision to hit the road: where do I start? Fears surrounding communication with the locals, the quality of infrastructure, and the

Top Places to Learn How To Surf

When many people head out on the international travel trail, they use this long, extended journey as an opportunity to change their lives or to learn a new skill they have always wanted to try. When all the distractions of life at home are stripped away, it produces a learning environment that greatly enhances the uptake of new knowledge, allowing you to learn new languages, sports, or ways of life much faster and more effectively. One such sport

The Best Time to Visit Singapore!

Regarded as one of the most sought after countries to both live and visit in Asia, the best time to visit Singapore is during the months of June to July and November till January. All throughout the year the weather in Singapore is pretty humid wherein rain is commonly experienced during the end of the year. Nonetheless, tourists flock to Singapore because of its special celebrations and shopping galore for those wanting a shop till the drop. Usually